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Demographic balance of the Italian population abroad and resident population by sex as of 31 December

The demographic balance of the Italian population abroad provides the results of the consolidation of the microdata processing of the flows of demographic dynamics acquired through the notifications sent by the municipalities to the ANPR system (National Registry of the Resident Population). The balance takes into account the results of the permanent population census.

The object of the survey consists of all the events of registration and cancellation of individuals in the municipal registers of the Registry of Italian Citizens Residing Abroad - AIRE (born, dead, transferred from another foreign country, transferred from Italy, registered for another reason, transferred to another foreign country, transferred to Italy, canceled for another reason). AIRE is now part of the ANPR.

Following the law on the Registry and census of Italian citizens residing abroad (Law 27 October 1988, n. 470 and subsequent additions/amendments), except for some particular cases (Art.8 and Art.9) the Italians citizens who have moved permanently abroad must be registered in the AIRE (Art.2).

The data on the annual demographic balance of the population are disseminated at the level of single foreign country of residence.

Demographic balance of the Italian population abroad and resident population by sex as of 31 December

Population on 1st January: For the year 2022 it is the population calculated starting from the population registered at the end of the year, applying the 2022 balance flows backwards, also taking into account the statistical adjustment.

Live births: births of Italian citizens that occurred in the reference year and registered in the AIRE in the same year or in the following year.

Deaths: deaths of Italian citizens that occurred in the reference year and registered in the AIRE in the same year or in the following year.

Immigrants from Italy (expatriations): Italian citizens who in the reference year moved their residence from an Italian municipality to abroad, registered as a transfer from the APR to the AIRE.

Emigrants to Italy (repatriations): Italian citizens who in the reference year moved their residence from abroad to an Italian municipality, registered as a transfer from AIRE to APR.

Natural balance: Births - Deaths.

Migration balance: (Transferred from Italy + Registered from another foreign country) - (Transferred to Italy + Canceled from another foreign country).

Immigrants from other foreign countries: Italian citizens who in the reference year moved their residence to the foreign country, coming from another foreign country (change of AIRE address).

Emigrants to other foreign countries: Italian citizens who in the reference year moved their residence from the foreign country to another foreign country (change of AIRE address).

Acquisitions of Italian citizenship: foreign citizens residing abroad who in the reference year acquired Italian citizenship (by marriage, iure sanguinis recognition, direct transmission to a cohabiting minor, etc.) and registered with AIRE. They are estimated by integrating the data from the ANPR flow of AIRE registrations for acquisition of Italian citizenship with the part of AIRE registrations by birth that does not refer to births that occurred during the year or to births registered late (see methodological note).

Statistical adjustment: the statistical adjustment is the sum of the following components: the balance of the items relating to other members and others canceled by AIRE, of those canceled due to loss of Italian citizenship and the balance of comparison operations with the census of resident Italians in Italy. It takes shape and visibility in the definitive demographic balance of the year, following the release of the data from the last permanent census.

Others registered: citizens registered with AIRE for other reasons, including re-registrations following previous cancellation due to unavailability, registrations due to late birth, registrations for other reasons not elsewhere classifiable.

Others cancelled: citizens canceled by AIRE for other reasons, including cancellations due to presumed unavailability, those canceled late due to death, those canceled for other reasons not classifiable elsewhere.

Population on 31st December: it is the population registered at the end of the year.

Demographic balance of the Italian population abroad and resident population by sex as of 31 December

The flow data in the population balance (births, deaths, transfers of residence, acquisitions of Italian citizenship, other registrations and cancellations) are processed starting from the communications sent to Istat by the ANPR system of the Ministry of the Interior.

ANPR is the single national database containing data from the municipal registers of Italian and foreign citizens resident in Italy (Registry of the Resident Population – APR) and of Italian citizens residing abroad (Registry of Italians Resident Abroad – AIRE) , with the relative variations.

Births and deaths refer to the date of the event, while for all other flows the reference is to the date of the operation carried out by the municipality (registration, cancellation, mutation). For births and deaths, the operations carried out in the reference year and the following year were taken into account.

Registrations by birth of subjects born before the reference year and adults, or minors with the holder of the family born abroad or born in countries of ancient Italian emigration were counted among the acquisitions of Italian citizenship. The other registrations by birth with the date of the event preceding the reference year were counted among the other registrations.

Cancellations due to death with an event date prior to the reference year were counted among other cancellations.

The determination of the number of Italian citizens residing abroad at the end of the year is the result of the integration of various administrative sources and census results relating to the population usually residing in Italy determined by the Permanent Population Census, in an attempt to make the relevant data coherent to Italians as a whole, whether they reside in Italy or abroad. Therefore, not only the AIRE and the Consular Registers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were used, but also the "signs of life" in Italy from the other administrative sources of the Permanent Population Census (including the Tax Register of the Ministry of Economy and Finances for the identification of deceased individuals) to define the population count of Italians residing abroad and correct or integrate any inconsistencies found in the two archives.